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home insurance high brush area

Einhorn Insurance provides home insurance and fire insurance in California high brush  zones and wild fire areas.

There are many variables insurance companies consider when determining if you home is located in a California high brush zone:

–      Topography :your surrounding terrain and landscape.

–      Wind Patterns: Is your home located in an area where the wind patterns would blow a fire towards your property?

–      Proximity to brush.  For homes near brush, Insurance companies will either  decline your home, require you to have a brush clearing of 500 to 2500 feet and/or surcharge you for being a higher risk.

–      Distance to the nearest RESPONDING fire station.  You may be within 5 miles of a fire station, but if it’s a volunteer fire station or it is not your assigned fire station, this can be a problem.

–      Distance to a fire hydrant or water supply.  Are you within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant or a large water supply system?

–      Roof type. If you have a wood roof and are located in a high brush area, this can be an issue for most insurance carriers.

–      Your PPC or Public Protection Classification.  This is a rating from 1-10 (10 = very high fire risk). 

–      Your FireLine score.  The ISO looks at surrounding fuel or brush, the slope of your home and the ability to access your property at the time of a fire.


Einhorn Insurance can help you find home insurance in a high fire risk area.  We are also able to provide California renters insurance in a high brush zone and insurance for landlords who have property in a wild fire area.  Give us a call before purchasing a policy with California Fair Plan.

If you live in a San Diego high brush area and insure your home with Einhorn Insurance, we’ll donate a lunch in your honor to your responding fire station.  We love to give back to those that help protect us and our families.


Einhorn Insurance offers FREE Fire Prevention Kits which include:

      A booklet where you can keep a record of all your personal property.

      A checklist that gives you tips on how to protect your home from fires.

      A DVD that teaches causes of fire and fire prevention.


Visit Einhorn Insurance at , call us at 858-336-4644 or send us an email at