If your auto or home insurance coverage isn’t enough to cover a claim, can you afford to pay for the remaining damages/expenses out of pocket? If not, are you prepared to have your wages garnished or a lien put on your house?
As with life insurance, umbrella policies provide peace of mind; it’s the ultimate in insurance protection. Umbrella policies provide additional liability coverage (starting at $1M) over and above your underlying auto, home and watercraft policy limits.
Umbrella policies aren’t just for the rich; they are an extremely cost effective option for anyone with assets and/or a family. The coverage kicks-in when the liability limits on existing primary policies are exhausted. This coverage pays for the following:
- Medical Expense for persons injured in accidents
- Property Damage
- Rehabilitation Therapy
- Lost Wages
- Legal Defense Costs
- Provides Coverage anywhere in the world

Umbrella policies are much more reasonable than most people think; they provide amazing coverage for little premium. Please call us for a quote for your specific situation – (619) 313-4643