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During Dog Bite Prevention Week, Einhorn Insurance encourages you to pay special attention to issues relating to dog bites.  dog bite prevention


We believe the first step in responsible dog ownership is prevention.  Our Pit Bull, Bernice, is afraid of other dogs.  Therefore, we avoid situations where she may act aggressively due to fear.  Prevention is A MUST in avoiding dog bites or dog related claims.


IT’S NOT THE BREED, but the bite that’s the problem.  There are “good dogs” and “bad dogs” within every breed. It’s unfortunate that some breeds (like Pit Bulls and Rottweilers) attract irresponsible owners.  Any dog can bite and their tendency to bite can be associated with socialization, heredity, environment and training.  Dogs may also bite if they are not feeling well or scared.


Did you know that each year, about 5 million people in the USA are bit or attacked by dogs and children make up more than 60% of all dog bite victims?  The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 50% of all children 12 years old or younger, have been bit by a dog.


Here are some tips to avoid dog bites:

–       Never leave a baby or small child unattended with a dog.

–       Never corner or tease a dog.  Even if there is a barrier between you and the dog, an angry dog can jump or break a fence if they really want to.

–       Teach children to be careful around pets and to ALWAYS ask permission to pet a stranger’s dog.

–       Never keep a dog on a chain (which is illegal in some states including California).  Chained dogs are frustrated and unhappy.

–       Spay and neuter your dog.  Unneutered male dogs account for a majority of claims (especially if they are chained up).

–       Avoid situations that may scare or anger your dog.

–       Don’t put your face in a dog’s face.

–       Never bother a dog while they are eating or sleeping.

–       Teach your children to keep their hands away from a dog’s mouth.  I was playing “tug” with Bernice this morning and had my hand too close to her mouth.  She went to re-grip the toy and accidentally bit my finger.  Not all bites are due to aggressive/vicious behavior.  Even a fun play session can result in an accidental bite.


Our agency has experienced several dog claims.  The most unfortunate thing about these claims is that both the dogs (most are put down) and the innocent victims suffer.  These claims could have been easily avoided had the dog’s owner been more aware, accountable and responsible.


If you are in need of dog liability or canine liability insurance, Einhorn Insurance can help.  It’s best to get a policy BEFORE an incident.  Once you have a dog bite, insurance can be more expensive.


Einhorn Insurance can issue policies for dogs that have been labeled by Animal Control or your City/County as Dangerous, Potentially Dangerous, Vicious or Potentially Vicious in the following states:


California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Texas and plan to service more states within the next 2 months.


For more information, please visit and click the GET A QUOTE button.  If you are having an emergency, please call Einhorn Insurance at 858-336-4644 or email

Landlords, please have your tenants contact us directly.


For more information on how to be a responsible dog owner, check out