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I recently came across an article that featured some great dog apps.  Add these on your  iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.


The 5 apps are iKibble, Dog Training, Perfect Dog-Ultimate Breed Guide to Dogs, Pet First Aid and  iCam-Webcam Video Streaming. Here’s a little information about each one.


iKibble ($0.99, discusses which foods are okay to feed your dog. The foods are categorized by the major food groups. For example; meats, greens, fruits, dairy, and grains. This app shows you multiple healthy ways to feed your dog.


Dog Training ($2.99, talks about how dogs that are well behaved is better than out of control, barking dogs with their oblivious owners. This app shows you multiple videos with basic commands like sit, down, lay, still, heel, and come. Each video comes with a transcript and other issues including barking, jumping, and teaching a puppy to walk on a leash. There are also videos on puppy massage and caring for geriatric dogs.


Perfect Dog-Ultimate Breed Guide to Dogs (Free,  This app shows over 200 dog breeds and can help you find the right breed for your needs/personality.  Learn about a dog’s size, physical features, if it’s kid friendly and much more. Based on your input, a breed will fall into one of 3 categories: Pretty Good Match, So-So Match and Probably Not for You.


Pet First Aid ($3.99, provides information about how to help your pet in any emergency. This includes emergencies involving bleeding, choking, stings, heatstroke and more. There are videos on CPR, muzzling, and other helpful tips. This app can help you save your pets life. Great for both dog or cat owners.


iCam -Webcam Video Streaming ($4.99, tells you how you can set up a webcam with your computer to watch your pet whenever and whereever. To use this app, you will need to download the free iCamSource software. The software works with most web cameras as long as their supported by Windows XP, Vista, or OS X 10.4(Tiger) and later versions.


If you’ve come across any great apps, please let us know so we can share with others.