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Traffic Tickets, Increased Fines and License Suspensions in California

Effective January 6, 2010, California implemented new rates for traffic tickets and fines. Receiving a ticket in California can cost a pretty penny, but it doesn’t stop there. Once a ticket or violation shows up on your motor vehicle report or driving record, it can greatly affect your insurance rates. These marks on your driving record can have a negative effect on your insurance rates for 3+ years. Plus, if you have 2 points on your record, you won’t be eligible for the California “Good Driver” discount; this is a huge discount…20% off your auto premiums!

Below are several citations and the (recently increased) fees associated with them.

1. Violation 12814.6 for Failure to obey license provisions for teenage drivers= $214

2. Violation 14600(A) for Failure to notify DMV of address change within 10 days = $214

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

3. Violation 16028(A) for Failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility (insurance) = $795

Note: This fine may be reduced with proof of insurance on or after the violation date.

4. Violation 21453(A) for Failure to stop at a red signal = $436

5. Violations 22350 and 22349 for Unsafe Speed, 1 to 15 miles over the limit = $214

6. Violations 22350 and 22349 for Unsafe Speed, 16 to 25 miles over the limit = $328

7. Violation 22450 for failure to stop at a stop sign = $214

8. Violation 22454(A) for passing a school bus with flashing red signals = $616

9. Violation 23123(A) for driving while using a wireless phone (not hands free, 1st offense) = $148

10. Violation 23123(A) – drive using wireless phone not hands free; each subsequent offense = $256

11. Violation 23123.5(A) for driving while wireless device to send, read or write text = $148

12   Violation 23124(B) for a minor driving while using a wireless phone = $148

13. Violation 2500(I) for parking in a bus loading area = $976

14. Violation 22507.8(A through C) for violation of disabled parking provisions (1st offense) = $976

15. Violation 22507.8(A through C) for violation of disabled parking provisions (2nd offense) = $1876

16. Violation 26708(A) for unlawful material on vehicle windows = $178

17. Violation 27150(A and B) for adequate muffler required = $178

18. Violation 27315(D and E) for mandatory use of seat belts = $148

19. Violation 27360(A and B) for mandatory use of child passenger restraints = $436

Note: This fine may be reduced by completing a court authorized child seat diversion program.

20. Violation 27400 for Headsets/Earplugs over both ears = $178

21. Violation 27803 (A through C) for motorcycle safety helmet requirements = $178

22. Violation 5200 for display of license plates = $178

Note: The fine may be reduced with valid proof of correction.

So, what do you do when you get a ticket? For most people, the best option is to go to traffic school (if they are eligible). About 2 weeks after you receive your citation, you should receive a courtesy notice from the court showing the cost of the fine; it will let you know if a court appearance is mandatory and advise if you are eligible for traffic school. NEVER miss your court date!!! If you do, the DMV will post a Failure to Appear on your record which comes with a fine and suspend your license.

A judge may suspend a person’s license if convicted of the following:

  • Breaking speed laws or reckless driving.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Hit-and-run driving.
  • Engaging in lewd conduct and prostitution in a vehicle within 1000 feet of a residence.
  • Assaulting a driver, passenger, bicyclist, or pedestrian when the offense occurs on a highway.
  • Failure to stop as required at a railway grade crossing.
  • Felony or misdemeanor offense of recklessly fleeing a law enforcement officer.

The state of California doesn’t mess around!  Just paying your California speeding ticket fine does not reinstate your license. You must also pay a fee and provide proof of insurance to the California DMV.

Link for court information on CA Traffic Citations
