Are you buying a home and need flood insurance?
Most home insurance policies do not cover flood damage. Your home may not appear to be in a flood zone, but lenders can still require you to get a flood insurance policy with coverage up to your loan amount or $250,000 (whichever is less).
According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), flood damage causes more than $2 billion in property damage each year.
What is flood insurance?
If a pipe bursts in your house and causes a flood, this is usually covered by your home insurance, not a flood insurance policy.
A separate flood insurance policy covers:
– water damage from mud flow
– dirt and debris resulting from moving water
– heavy rain
– clogged or inadequate drainage systems
– nearby construction projects
– broken water mains
– inadequate levees and leaking
– collapsing of dams.
Flood insurance covers your home, income property, place of business and personal property from water damage caused by a source coming from outside of your home.
If you are in a HIGH RISK flood zone, your flood insurance policy covers the structure and you have the option to add coverage for your personal property (for an additional charge). If you are in a LOWER RISK flood zone, you most likely qualify for the Preferred Risk package which automatically includes coverage for your personal property for no additional charge.
Many people think the government will step in and pay for flood repair, but that’s not the case unless the flood is declared a federal disaster by the President of the United States. Less than half of the floods that cause damage are considered a “federal disaster.” Even if the government does help, this form of federal disaster assistance is considered to be a loan and must be paid back with interest.
Flood insurance isn’t just for home owners. Condo/townhome owners, renters and business owners can also get flood insurance to protect their personal belongings (and structure if you own the property). Even if you are not closing escrow, you can still buy flood insurance.
Many people think, “It won’t happen to me.” Floods happen anywhere, anytime. You don’t have to live by water to experience a flood. If you are in an area where it rains, your home can flood. If a water main breaks, your home can flood. FEMA estimates that 25% of all flood claims occur in low to medium flood risk areas.
For more information about Flood Insurance, contact Einhorn Insurance at 858-336-4644 or email
We specialize in escrow closings and can help you get flood insurance to close escrow on time.