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After months of searching, you finally found your California dream home!  home insurance wild fire area escrow


Maybe you’ve stumbled upon an awesome investment property? 


Either way, Einhorn Insurance is here to help you find home insurance, fire insurance or landlord insurance for properties located in high brush areas. 

Einhorn Insurance provides fire insurance protection for your home when other companies can’t – let us help you today! 

Our company has access to the MLS and can obtain more information about your home than many other insurance agents.  We specialize in escrow closings and will contact your Escrow Company, Escrow Officer, Lender and Loan Processor to handle all of your insurance paperwork until your escrow closes.

Our goal is to get insurance checked off your escrow “to-do” list and find you the right coverage at an affordable rate.

Before closing escrow, your lender is going to require you to find:

–       Home insurance (also known as fire insurance) if you are buying a single family home you are planning to live in.

–       Condo insurance (also known as ho-6 or “walls in” insurance) if you are buying a townhome, condo or a home in a PUD* (planned unit development).

–       Dwelling insurance or landlord insurance if you are planning on renting out the property or condo.


Some areas of California can be misleading as they don’t appear to be in a wildfire zone.  But, in the eyes of most insurance companies, numerous cities in California are in high fire zones due to wind patterns, Public Protection Classification, topography and home’s distance to a fire hydrant/fire station.


We know you have a lot going on with your home purchase, but if you are in a wildfire area or high brush zone, don’t wait until last minute to secure home, condo or an HO-6 insurance policy. 

If you are closing escrow and need a home insurance estimate for a property located in a high brush area, please visit and click GET A QUOTE.  We understand insurance for escrow closings is a very time sensitive matter and will get back to you immediately.  You may also email us at and/or give us a call at 858-336-4644.

*For PUDs, depending on what the master insurance policy of your community covers, you may be required to purchase an HO-6/Walls-In policy or a standard home insurance policy to cover the entire structure.

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