If you are heading to Mexico for Christmas and New Year, you’ll need Mexican Auto Insurance.
To compare rates of top companies and buy Mexican Auto Insurance ON LINE in just minutes, visit https://einhorninsurance.com/mexico-auto-insurance/.
Print proof of insurance from home. Don’t waste 30 min at the border buying Mexican Auto Insurance!
Did you know that your American Car Insurance will not cover you if your car is stolen, lost, damaged or if you get in an accident (regardless of fault) while in Mexico.
Your current car insurance may provide some coverage while driving in Mexico, but you are usually only covered within 25 miles from the border AND your policy only covers damage to your car, NOT COVERAGE FOR THE OTHER CAR OR INJURIES YOU CAUSE TO OTHERS.
If you are in an accident while driving in Mexico, you’ll need to have cash or Mexican Auto Insurance policy AT THE TIME OF THE ACCIDENT. WITHOUT Mexican Car Insurance, you can face criminal action even if you are not at fault!
Our Mexican Auto Insurance provides the following coverages:
Vandalism: Covers damage to or destruction of your car.
3rd Party Liability: Covers bodily injury and damage you cause to other cars and/or property.
U.S. Labor Rates: Pays a higher labor rate per hour compared to Mexican labor rates when your car is repaired outside of Mexico. Towing costs to U.S. or Canada not included.
Medical Payment: Helps pay for medical expenses for you and your passengers.
Uninsured Motorist: Insures yourself if someone hits you and doesn’t carry insurance.
Legal Assistance: Helps you in the event you need a bail bond or legal assistance.
Medical Evacuation: Transfer by land or air ambulance.
Plane Tickets Home: Coverage for you and travel companions to return home in the event of theft or extensive repair of your car. (Further conditions apply).
For cheap and fast Mexican Auto Insurance, check out https://einhorninsurance.com/mexico-auto-insurance/.