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Ever wonder how your dog can become a Canine Good Citizen CGC?

The Canine Good Citizen program started in 1989 and rewards dogs for their good manners at home and in the community.  All dogs, pure bred and mixed breeds, are welcome to participate.  The CGC Program is a two part program and focuses on responsible pet ownership for the owners, and basic good manners for the dogs.

At the CGC test, you’ll be asked to sign the Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge prior to the test.  This pledge states that you will be responsible for your dog’s health needs, safety and their quality of life.  You will also pledge that you won’t allow your dog to infringe on the rights of others.

There are 10 steps in the Canine Good Citizen Test.  If passed, your will receive a certificate for the American Kennel Club. 

The 10 objectives are as follows:

  1.  Accept a friendly stranger
  2. Sit politely for petting.
  3. Allow basic grooming and examination.
  4. Walk on a loose lead.
  5. Walk through a crowd.
  6. Sit and lie down on command and stay in place.
  7. Come when called.
  8. React appropriately to another dog.
  9. React appropriately to distractions.

10.  Calmly endure supervised separation from the owner.

State legislatures even recognize the CGC program as a means of advocating responsible dog ownership and 34 states now have Canine Good Citizen resolutions.

So, how do you get started?  There are basic training courses and classes specifically focused on learning CGC skills.   Once you and your dog are ready, you’ll sign up for a Canine Good Citizen test administered by an AKC Approved CGC Evaluator.  To find an evaluator near you, check out

 Another way to be a responsible pet owner is to have home, condo, renter and liability insurance that covers your dog(s).  Almost every home, condo or renters insurance policy has a list of dog breeds found in the EXCLUSIONS section of your policy.  The dogs listed are usually Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Doberman Pinchers, German Shepherds, Akitas, Chows, Huskies, Wolves or a mix of any of these breeds.

If you own one of these breeds and are a responsible pet owner, Einhorn Insurance can help you with dog liability insurance.  Even if your dog has been labeled as dangerous or potentially dangerous, we can help.

Dog liability insurance includes coverage for bodily injury caused by your dog to other people and other dogs.  Dog liability insurance also covers property damage your dog causes to other people’s property (but does not include damage your dog causes to the home you are renting or to your own property).

We are proud Pit Bull owners, advocates of the breed and involved in the Pit Bull community.  We truly believe the dog’s temperament is based on how the dog is treated and not based on breed.

For more information about dog liability insurance,


CALL:  (858) 336-4644


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