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Whether you are a home owner or a renter, you are legally responsible for your dog(s).   pit bull insurance


Many renters think that if their landlord has insurance, their dogs are covered.  This is not the case as your landlord doesn’t own or have “care, custody or control” of your dog.  Of course anyone can be sued for anything, but unless the landlord can be proven at fault or negligent for the actions of your dog, they are usually not held liable.


Condo and Townhome owners often think the HOA policy will provide coverage for the actions of their dogs.  This is also a misconception.  As a Condo, Townhome or Apartment owner, you must carry your own policy to cover your pets.


Unless you have the right dog liability insurance, your dogs may not be covered.  Therefore, you will be financially responsible for the bodily injury you dogs cause to other people and their pets both at and away from your home.  You are also financially responsible if your dog(s) damage anyone else’s property (other dogs, cats or animals are considered “property” in the world of insurance).


Be a responsible dog owner.  Don’t chain your dog(s), spay and neuter your dogs and contact Einhorn Insurance for a dog or canine liability insurance estimate.


We can even help you if your dog has been labeled as Vicious, Dangerous, Potentially Vicious and Potentially Dangerous.


To learn more about dog liability insurance, visit, for an estimate, hit the GET A QUOTE button and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Einhorn Insurance offers dog liability and canine liability insurance in over 20 states and we hope to serve the rest of the country by the end of 2012.

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